“Sex is an act of worship, that is why people shout ‘Oh my God!’” – Femi Fani-Kayode

In a post on Twitter, he wrote this concerning sex: “Sex is powerful. It is an act of worship. That is why people shout things like “oh my God” when they are at the height of orgasmic pleasure.”
Just recently, he waded into the Oscar Pistorius case, blaming his late girlfriend for the tragedy.
I have little doubt that Pistorius, who was a great achiever, a living icon, the greatest and best known African sportsman in world history and an absolute gentleman, was provoked into a murderous rage by his pretty little lover and that she played on his insecurities and inadequacies. These are the classic traits of the biblical “strange woman”- the destroyer of men’s dreams and destinies.
Only God knows who sent this creature from the sea into this great man’s life just to destroy it. For Pistorius it is all over. In one moment of blind rage he has lost everything and he has brought shame, disgrace, sorrow and infamy upon his name and that of his family. The blood he has shed will speak against him and his lineage forever. And all because of a sexy and pretty little model who the devil sent his way.
May the Lord deliver us all from the daughters of Jezebel, Delilah, Athalia and Yemoja.”