Lightning Strikes St. Peters Basilica Hours After The Pope Announced Resignation (PHOTO)

AFP photographer Filippo Monteforte caught the amazing photograph on Monday evening during a storm. "It was icy cold and the rain was falling in sheets," he told. "When the storm started, I thought that lightning might strike the rod, so I decided it was worth seeing whether - if it did strike - I could get the shot at exactly the right moment."
He waited two hours before lightning struck twice and he captured a still image. "The first bolt was huge and lit up the sky, but unfortunately I missed it," he told. "I had better luck the second time, and was able to snap a couple of images of the dome illuminated by the bolt."
But Fairfax Media photographer Nick Moir told Australia's The Age via The Sydney Morning Herald that the image looks legitimate. "It's probably not that rare for St Peter's to get hit," he told the publication. "The bolt is hitting a lightning rod to the side of the cross, it seems."
On Monday, Benedict announced he will resign from the papal office on Feb. 28 due to health concerns. He is the first pope to do so in nearly 600 years.