Twilight Star Caught Peeing In Airport
The incident reportedly occurred on 17 December and Pelletier had previously denied allegations that he had urinated in public.
The video, leaked by celebrity gossip hounds TMZ, shows a stumbling Pelletier – who plays wolf pack member Jared in The Twilight Saga – being escorted by a security official at an airport terminal before reaching into his jeans and relieving himself before shocked travellers waiting in line.
Public intoxication
According to TMZ, Pelletier had been removed from a flight by police for being too intoxicated to travel and causing a disturbance. He was escorted to a terminal to await another flight out of Los Angeles.
Law enforcement sources say that the cops then left the scene but received a call just two hours later that Pelletier was urinating in public by the gate. The video shows that, after urinating on the terminal carpet, police arrived on the scene and wrestled the 26-year-old actor to the ground before cuffing him.
Throughout the incident Pelletier appears to be dazed and disorientated. He can also be heard wailing on the ground as police handcuff him.
Pelletier was later charged with public intoxication, and is due to appear in court on 7 January. If convicted, he could face up to six months in jail and a $1 000 fine, reports E! News.
The incident came in the same week Pelletier was arrested for allegedly possessing cocaine and methamphetamine. Law enforcement sources told TMZ he was arrested in West Hollywood on 8 December appearing to be "wasted".