CampAmazing Presents: Land Of Plenty Finest Younsgter Pageant, 2013!


CampAmazing – a non-profit organization in United Kingdom, in collaboration with Dehavillah Development is set to host kids in Akwa Ibom State with Land of Plenty Youngster Pageant. Youngster Pageant is a platform designed specifically for
youngsters to learn about effective skills, public speaking skills, presentation skills, performing arts, and many more. It’s also an opportunity to win prizes, and be discovered.

According to the project coordinator, Ms Udeme-Lucie Ebong; “Our ultimate aim is to promote self-confidence, inner strength, self-worth, and to empower youngsters, while playing, learning and discovering new things. We believe their continuous participation in our pageants and talent competitions, will not only impact their everyday lives, but they will also exhibit true showmanship”.

Already, the CampAmazing team had begun visiting schools in the state creating awareness about the upcoming pageant and promoting the values of this organization. Youngster Pageant/Camp is open for boys and girls between the ages of 4-17 years. The event slated to hold from 1st - 7th April 2013 and will involve over 20 schools across the state. More information can be found on


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