Lady Gaga wants to invest in Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch.

The Bad Romance singer is a huge fan of the late eccentric pop star and would love to see his old home restored it to its former glory.

Michael - who died of acute Propofol intoxication in 2009 - bought the 3 000 acre ranch in 1988 at the height of his fame and modified it with a rail track, petting zoo and a fairground. It later fell into disrepair as he came into financial difficulties.

A source told The Sun newspaper: "Lady Gaga is obsessed with Michael. She's become good friends with his sister La Toya and would love more than anything else to restore Neverland to its original state.

'Gaga would love to help'

"His kids are all desperate to hold on to their childhood home so they can decide what they want to do with it properly when they've grown up.

"Gaga would love to help with the financial costs by buying a share."

Although Neverland was sold in 2008 to investment group Sycamore Valley Ranch Company, Michael's children; Prince, 15, Paris, 14, and 'Blanket', 10, and mother Katherine all still hold a share of it.

Gaga, 26, also recently bought 55 items in an auction of Michael Jackson's costumes.

After making the purchases she tweeted: "The 55 pieces I collected today will be archived & expertly cared for in the spirit & love of Michael Jackson, his bravery, & fans worldwide (sic)."

The star has also recently said she was in talks to open for Michael on his This is It 50 show run in London, which was scheduled to start just days after his death.

She said: "There was some talk about the openers doing duets with Michael on stage.

"But Michael's death was devastating for me regardless of whether I was supposed to go on tour with him."


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