father sells children gambling debt

" A lorry driver deep in gambling sold his three children to pay off gambling debtors.
The children's mother Liew Kim Yow, 27, said the 25-year old man, whom she referred to as her "Boyfriend" because they were not legally married, had suggested in September that his mother take care of the two sons, aged one and three and their five-yr-old daughter , while they went to Singapore to work. They have been living together for 7yrs.  

Liew, who is unemployed  stayed at home to take care of the children while the man worked as a lorry driver. But after three months, she suspected something amiss because their plan to move to Singapore did not materialize and he kept giving excuses each time she wanted to see their children.

"He told me before that someone had offered him RM50,000 ($20,316) to adopt our son and RM(20,000) for our eldest daughter. i told him no matter how poor we are that, we could not sell our children." She said at the MCA Public Complaints and services department.

On December 23rd last year, she lodged a report against the man at the Serendah Police Station. To her shock, she finds out that the Boyfriend had lodged a report on October, claiming that the wife had been missing since May.

In his report, he claims that he had to give the children for adoption as he was unable to raise the children single-handedly . Denying that she had never left home, Liew said her boyfriend was a compulsive gambler who had been inn trouble with Loan sharks before, but the parents paid off the debts.

The man has since disappeared and attempts to contact him have failed.

OCPD urged that the people who adopted the children should report to the police immediately. "As there was no court order for the adoption, and as such is not a legal adoption. If the adoptive parents refuse to come forward we will bring them to court,he said. He also said, if it werev confirmed that the father sold the children that he would be charged with Child Trafficking.


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